Wednesday 1 February 2012


I haven't made a blog in some time now so I thought now would be an appropriate time to catch up. We appear to have finished our filming now, both the flashback and interrogation scene.

I have already spoken about the interrogation scene and some of the complexities of filming there so instead I have opted to discuss the flashback sequence at this moment in time. Throughout the week prior to filming the flashback sequence me, Katie and Barry were discussing what would be required within each particular shot in each section and how we will incooperate this into the sequence. It was very important that a relationship between the womans character and Barry's character (I.E. Ryan Taylor) was established effectively, we decided to try this by allowing the woman character (thankfully Flossi, a mutual friend who agreed to be in our film) who would have to wear a vast amount of red or exotic clothing. This would establish a typical representation of women being sexual figures whilst Barry's character it was important for him to incooperate the same tracksuit he used in the interrogation scene (this is because the interrogation would be set a day after the flasback sequence), the tracksuit will help establish Barry's character as a lesser social class towards my character in the flashback sequence.

When we filmed our sequence we used a total of 2 locations, the first of which was my house which was used to establish that the two figures were getting ready to go on a night out, the second location is the tunnel which i posted pictures of in one of my previous blogs, one problem which Sir arised from the tunnel was that the lighting was very dark, however thankfully the tunnel lights were replaced by the council a few weeks before we filmed, this caused a great weight to be lifted from my shoulders as befroe I discovered this I was awake at 2:00am with my mother and father trying to see if we could use these very strong torches which my dad could hire from his workplace, however when we arrived at the tunnel in the early hours of the morning we discovered the lights had been changed which prompted me to film a short video on my phone chronicling mine and parents reactions (link below).

Anyway, back to filming, the filming for the majority went well, everyone was working perfectly happy together and there were no issues, however we soon discovered that because we were filming so much and doing so many takes of each shot we realised that the battery within the camera was running out sharpish. This caused masses amount of frustration around the group as we were now very timed constrained (we could not film any other day of the week due to Katie and Barry being preoccuipied with work) which meant we had to film all the required shots very quickly to make sure each shot was made properly, however there were not as many takes. Eventually some shots which were originally ideal for us were not shot as the camera was completely out of battery, this prompted us to come up with an idea of using pictures to incooperate in our film, i took the picures on my mobile phone (as Katie decided Barry's phone may not be as trustworthy as mine). We are considering using these photos in order to highlight the story that Barry's character is being blamed for the murder whilst Flossi's character has actually been murdered. The photos within the film world would have been taken by the police so that they can investigate the scenario and the crime scene. Hopefully we can figure out someway of using these pictures eventually (i will post the pictures we are going to use soon)

Whislt reviewing the footage a few days after so far it seems to look good, some shots were not as ideal however some worked perfectly, on the link below is a link to Katie's blog in which she posted from her memory stick a piece of raw footage from the interrogation scene, I think this looks very well for us, there is a problem with the sound in that both mine and Barry's voice is not heard very well, also in the pan at the end it appears Katie may have strayed a bit too far away from my face (although my face is not meant to be seen anyway). However overall I think this piece of raw footage looks good, we have many takes of these (from what I recall at least 4) and the main part is that the pan is very smooth and works at preciously the right time thus meaning that the effect is much stronger.

Overall we have decided to name our film "Decipher", this name was my idea and I chose it through the fact that decipher means solving a puzzle, which coresponds well with our film as the opening sequence will establish that my character is blaming Barry's character for a murder, and the rest of the film would be Barry's character dephiering what is actually happening around him and why I am doing this to him.

The image above is taken from the logo in which Katie (quite brilliantly i might add) created for us, the original image was copyrighted which meant Katie had to create this image based on the original image using Paint. We decided to use the two colours of just black and white, this would mean it would be more accessible for us to discuss the typical colours used in film noir (as many of these older films are created in black and white and also pose a lot of stylistic aspects which are based on this).
The link above again links to Katie's blog in which she posted the original idea for how our logo will be animated and be shown before our film. We decided to animate it in order to make it seem much more auhentic and more similar to an actual film logo.

Currently, we are now starting to record voice-overs on Katie's lapop, thankfully her lapop has an effective microphone which will help us a lot more in the long run. However, whilst we were recording the voiceovers in a small room there were a lot of voices coming from the background which prompted us to get frustrated as classes around us were very noisy, however we decided to carry on and see how the voices would sound with this anyway, the end result is not perfect to say the least however it is still understandable, but we will be recording the voiceovers again in due course in order to combat this.

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