Thursday 19 January 2012

Shots Taken From Tuesday

Here are some pictures which were taken from Barry's phone on Tuesday 17th January, this was the day we filmed the interrogation scene for our project. We decided to use the drama room on the basis of it being very dark, easily accesible and already had a bunch of equipment which we would need including the table and two chairs. We did not run into many problems whilst filming however there wer issues which mainly revolved around the camera, as twice the camera ran out of memory, this resulted us in trying to delete the previous shots which were taken with the camera (which we were not part of), this was very time consuming on both occasions however we eventually found how to delete previous files on the camera. My main issue with using this room was lighting, I was not confident that we would be able to fill the space made by masses of posters etc which made the scene look like a school, however we did find a light (which we are choosing not to mention anymore details) which helped us greatly and allowed us to create very intrigueing shots which should help make the scene slightly more "girtty". Bearing in my mind these were taking from Barry's phone which means the actual footage will not look like this properly however this is just a glimpse of whats to come. We still have the flashback sequence to film which we hope to finish by the beginning of next week.

1 comment:

  1. You need to be blogging a lot more and in a lot more detail. You should include a review of the footage you shot - an edit decision list, if you like - and consideration of how the process is going. For example, some discussion of the voice-overs you are recording and how/ why you are doing that. Also whether the material you have is appropriate; if so, why and if not, what will you do about it. At the moment, your blog is not quite where it needs to be.
