Friday 10 February 2012

Deadline Day - Rough Cut Due Shortly

Today was the final day in which we could complete the rough cut for our project, originally we came into lesson today with the vast majority of the rough cut already created, the only parts missing included the titles as well as some components which may possibly could have changed. Most of the components we ended up changing were thanks to Mr. Earl who told us that there were some aspects that he would like to see in different ways than what we showed in the original rough cut, some of the examples include the pan shot (which i have already included a link to in a previous blog) as well as other parts which included me about to hit Barry's character on the head with an object similar to a baseball bat (see equipment post), he stated this was because it looked notably quite fake, this has caused us to possibly think about cutting slighly earlier than we oringally thought.

In the lesson we ended up producing some titles, these are slightly different to what we oringally intended however they still keep a lot of qualities about them I.E the titles are clearly black and white which helps link us to film noir as well as fits in with our flashback sequence. These should be uploaded by the end of the night along with a Warner Bros logo (which is our institution) and our dynamite kitty logo which is our studio name.

Overall I am very proud of what we have acheived (thus far). I understand there are multiple issues with the project I.E some of the shots could possibly be done better, however to combat this we did filmed our sequence in a variety of different angles on the day, this caused us to essentially fix the pan shot which Sir did not like very quickly as we simply replaced it with a canted close up shot of me saying my lines. The rough cut should eventually be uploaded tonight probably on Katie's blog as she has the contents on her laptop.

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