Friday 3 February 2012


Today we began editing the beginning of our project, so far there have been no serious issues, however we have come into a few problems, mostly involving sound, this is due to the camera filming both mine and Barry's voice from different angles which therefore picks up different depths from the camera.

This meant that when editing the sound needed to be changed in order to suit the dialogue, therefore our voices will not change in depth and volume within different angles. When editing we have sort of taken over different jobs, Katie is the main editor ensuring that tasks are done based on both what me and Barry say we feel is suitable, I have taken the job as a kind of organiser, this is because we did not film in many different files and instead filmed for very long times within each angle, ensuring all the lines we said in each angle, this was more time consuming on the day however this should allow us a larger variety when editing if we choose to change a few aspects.

Since the files were so long this meant we needed someone who had the ability to write notes effectively, stating each individual video file, what shot it used in the file and also at what point in the time range each line is said. I effectively appointed myself as this job since I felt this would save a vast amount of time later on when we're wondering where each line is said within each file. So far editing it going well, however we have only edited roughly 20-30 seconds of footage so far, although Katie has decided that since she is doing the project on her laptop then we have capability to work throughout the weekend and after school on the project.

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