Friday 24 February 2012


Today me Katie and Barry continued to edit our project, we concluded that although the shots and narrative etc was all brilliant there were still issues with the titles, this was because we placed the titles in the wrong order as we were not fully certain that the order was "starring...", "music", "editor", "producer", "writer" "director". This caused us to spend the majority of the end of the lesson working on rearranging the titles in order to suit the requirements so hopefully we gain full marks. When Sir watched it again he pointed that our project was "phenomenal" which was a very positive influence on us, however he did express that the music and sound was slightly off at some points this means sometimes the dialogue between me and Barry in the interrogation scene changes tempo frequently which is frustrating as it meant we had to change the sound for each shot so that it stayed the same, however because of the fact that some shots were filmed in different places it means that it will be very hard for us to continue consistency, however we will continue to work on this within the oncoming days. Also Sir pointed out that the title of our film "Decipher" should be changed to match the previous title shots I.E using a swipe, he also said that the title of the film should have exactly the same font as the titles, this means we will need to change the title of our film to match these requests. Overall however these are not major issues which is why the title of this blog is called "nitpicking" as we're simply trying to make the project slightly better than it already is in order to achieve a slightly higher mark in the end, these issues are not major and although getting the sound right may be tricky we should hopefully be able to achieve the other issues as soon as possible without issue.

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