Tuesday 7 February 2012

Reviewing Some Footage

Here is a take taken from one part of the flashback sequence within our project. Since Katie was absent today it involved me and Barry reviewing some of this footage. Overall I feel as though this footage is ok, I feel the lighting and framing of the shot is very good, and is almost preciously what we were aiming to create. We used a vast amount of mise-en-scene in this shot, if it were to be analysed it could be said how the ligt shadow is shining brightly behind Flossi's character thus indicating a very bright, enthusiastic person. However there are some issues with this shot; the shot would not be used in the project until roughly 5 seconds in as before this we are telling Flossi what she is supposed to be doing, at the seconds 9, 13 and 17 it appears that the camera starts bouncing and the shot becomes out of focus on occassion. This makes the actual quality of the shot decrease and therefore would not make it look as authentic as we originally intended, however the look of the shot we feel is very good and is notably very effective. Therefore we feel as though this shot would be good to use in our project, however we feel as though we will have other takes of this shot which are of a better standard.

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