Wednesday 8 February 2012

Experimenting Sound

Recently me, Katie and Barry have been discussing sound and how this can be used within our project, since we already have permission to use secessionstudios music me and Katie spent a very long time on Tuesday discussing music from secession via Facebook that would be best for us to use. Ultimately we had a various amount of options at the end, however the music we thought was best is called "Epic and Dramatic Trailer Music" (link below), I think we chose this in the end due to the music being very soft but also quite upbeat at the same time thus meaning it could help us create a sophisticated nature within the interrogation scene but also a very upbeat, dark atmosphere within the flashback sequence.

Below this post there is a link to Katie's blog in which she posted 4 samples of us experimenting with sound. The first example I feel is very good, the music helps match the surroundings and creates the same moods which we wished to create within the sequence. However I feel the sound effect is slightly misleading, although originally I suggested this when me and Katie talked over Facebook I feel as though it does not match the sequence as it sounds roughly similar to what would be typical in more science fiction films rather than crime dramas or thrillers. You can hear this sound effect at 0:31 within the sequence. It is supposed to signify a different mood and a different time setting (as the sequence goes into a flashback at this point) however it just does not seem to match the surroundings.

Sample 2 does not have any music in, however it does have the dialogue within the sequence with less unnecessary sound in the background which makes it sound much more effective and grittier than it does naturally. However the sound effect within the transition towards the flashback sequence remains within the sequence which I have already stated I feel is unnecessary in the sequence. 

Sample 3 I feel is without question the best, I feel this is due to misuse of the sound effect within the sequence as well as the music creating a better, more gritty atmosphere and is also very sophisticated and dramatic. I really like how it builds up once the flashback sequence starts as though something is about to happen.

Sample 4 I think is way too dramatic, although the editing of the imagery remains the same throughout all the sequences, with the music used here I feel the music makes the scene seem way more dramatic than it is, there is without question no need for music this dramatic (at least not this early in the sequence). 

As for the editing of the sequence as a whole I feel it is coming along very nicely, I like how the black and white imagery signifies the flashback and I also like the transition into the flashback sequence, although Katie and I have agreed that the sequence would probably be more effective if the transition was slightly longer as it could possibly feel as though the transition happens for no apparent reason which could be very off-putting towards the audience. Hopefully we shall be able to finish the editing process for the rough cut by Friday so that Sir can review it and suggest any other issues he feels should be fixed and how we can go about fixing these issues. - Link to Katie's blog in which you can see the samples of the music implemented into the project. - Here is a link to another piece of music we were considering,  this ended up becoming the sound effect which you can hear in most of the samples to highlight a transition between the interrogation and flashback sequence. Ultimately I feel as though we will not go with this piece of music as me and Katie feel it does not match the surroundings in which it would be shown within our sequence. Although I originally intended to use the sound effect I subsequently realised how it does not suit the sequence at all. - Here is a link to another piece of music which was considered. This was probably our second choice (with epic and dramatic music coming first) to choose for our sequence, the reason for this is because it is very soft and also very upbeat, we both agreed that it may be possible to have this particular music throughout the whole sequence, however we then agreed that epic and dramatic trailer music suited the scene much more, plus when hearing this music in the sequence (look at sample 4) it appears that it does not fit in the sequence and makes it seem far more dramatic than it needs to be. - Yet another piece of music that we were considering was this one, I feel as though this is slightly too upbeat, although it may fit in with certain parts as some pats of the song are very effective to create an eerie but sophisticated atmosphere. The fact that it is slightly too upbeat means that I feel as though we shouldn't use this in the sequence, possibly certain parts would work in the flashback, however I would not want to risk using a variety of different pieces of music as this may corrupt the sequence and distract the audience from what is actually happening on screen.

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