Tuesday 1 November 2011

The Beginning of the Continuity Task

This week we have discovered that our next project will be a task which revolves around continuity, in the task we simply have to show a person walking through a door, the camera should then do a 180 degree pan which highlights the room, then there must be a shot/reverse shot on two people in the room with dialogue. The use of  one of the characters walking through a door should be an Action Match which means there is no continuity issues at all between  shot of the person opening the door to the next shot of them entering the room, the 180 degree pan across the room is supposed to reflect how to establish a scene and not break the 180 degree rule. The shot/reverse shot will show the two characters different points of view as they're both talking between each other. There were many ideas that we came up for what we would do for our continuity project with situations including a horror scenario with a murderer through the door wearing a Halloween costume, there would have then been a fight between a person who was already in the room in which the character who wasn't wearing a Halloween costume would tie the man who was wearing the costume onto a chair and insinuate aggressive dialogue towards him. However this idea was cancelled for two reasons, one is because we decided that it would be better for us to shoot this task in school and none of us was willing to wear a Halloween costume to school, the other reason was because we actually came up with another idea (thanks to Mr. Earl's contribution)  we decided that we would instead shoot a job interview scenario in which a boss asks very awkward and very irrelevant questions and becomes very aggressive towards his possible employee. We came up with idea as Katie decided she would have preferred to make a more comedic project as opposed to the very serious projects that were completed before. Me and Katie contributed equally to the script with Katie setting up the scenario and me contributing by telling Katie what questions should be asked in the interview and how the employee should react.

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