Sunday 13 November 2011

Cinemassacre Review of Alien Invader Films and Their Remakes

Mr. Earl once told me that he was a very big fan of the H.G. Wells novel War of The Worlds; I remember I talked about the film adaptation's of the novel with him (after I asked what the worst film he ever saw was) and I think he was surprised to know that I knew about the film he mentioned. I knew the film he mentioned because of a video review 'Cinemassacre'/James Rolfe did when he compared alien invader films and their subsequent remakes. Here is a link to the second part of said 'Cinemassacre' review in which he talks about the War of The Worlds original 1950's film and the 3 remakes that were all released within June 2005. If you watch the video beyond were he talks about War of The Worlds you can also see that he mentions the film 'Invaders of Mars' and the remakes which followed that film.If you enjoyed this part and would like to see the 1st and final 3rd part of the reviews then I have included these links below. - 1st Part ('The Day The Earth Stood Still', 'The Thing' and 'Earth vs The Flying Saucers') - Final and 3rd Part ('Invasion of the Body Snatchers' and 'The Blob')

I decided to post this simply because I find them really interesting and it helps you learn about old and classic films and how they change over time, these reviews are very informative and you can learn a lot about films through watching these and still get some enjoyment out of them. You can also see what makes these particular films stand out over the others and how they have achieved this instead of blending in with the other films that are similar. A minor complaint about this is because I would have really liked to see a review for the remake of 'The Fly' from the 1980's which is one of my favourite horror films but I digress because these reviews are still exceptional in their own right.

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