Friday 21 October 2011

Our Final Video

Here is out completed video, I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to Mr. Earl we have now got our video ready and the issues have been resolved. As I stated before there were some script changes in order to add more drama to the scene. Overall I think the result turned out well, I feel we could have done better if it wasn't for technology getting in the way of us earlier however I feel the shots turned out just as well as I planned them to. I am slightly disapointed that there aren't any titles within the whole movie because we simply did not have time and we were too busy making sure everything in the video was ready. The "Landscape" scene was shot just outside our school, this was done in order to save time and aviod us travelling far distances. For more information about the reasons for the places amongst other information regarding the Mise-en-scene we used look at some of my earlier blogs where I go into more detail. The music was Katie's choice, I was suprised by how well it was done and I'm ultimately very happy with it as I feel it created a very creepy and disturbing yet also intrigueing atmosphere to the audience. The transitions from the scens as you can see are 'fade out and fade in', this was done to add drama to the scene and make it seem more serious. I was adamant that these were the right transitions to use as I have seen in movie trailers and short films that this is commonly done to add drama, the most notable trailer I have seen that cuts to black regularly is 'Hancock' to add drama to what is being shown. I have looked at some other people's work in my class and I thought they were all very good; in particular Kelly Senior and Louise Browbank who I think used an incredibley good choice of location for the interrogation scene and actually used a place which I was thinking of shooting the scene earlier but cancelled because Katie would not be able to travel there so frequently. Some very good camera work was used in there project as well, a similar shot in which one characters face turns is very similar to our shot in which Barry (NUMBER 2) looks up to me (NUMBER 6). It took us 3 days in total to shoot these scenes and involved me and Barry wearing the same clothes each day in order to avoid continuity issues. As you can tell from an earlier blog of mine there was a '180 degree' continuity issue however this was resolved after we flipped the shot the opposite way. The whole atmosphere that we planned to create was supposed to be disturbing, confusing and creepy. I think we did this very well thanks to the music in particular. If i were to critisize the video I would say that the fight scene in which me as NUMBER 6 is punching Barry as NUMBER 2 did not turn out well, this was because I obviously could not literally punch Barry so I had to try and pretend, the end result I think does look fake and it is disapointing however I did not want Barry to get hurt so I did not punch him which I have found is very difficult to make look realistic but overall it is relativity realistic and by all means isn't dreadful. In order to save time there were a lot of shots that did not involve any edits, we chose this to suit time ranges when we came back to the editing and in order to add realism to the shot and make it more dramatic. I think the long takes were made very well and were a very good and positive feature of our video.

1 comment:

  1. Very pleased with the detail you're going into when writing your blog - this is where you need to be if you're going to produce a top level response.

    0:04 - I rather like the opening establishing shot, but a shame you went for a zoom - I would have preferred an ELS cutting to an CU. Unfortunately, as you can probably hear, you've got a lot of background noise - in the future, you might want to try exploring adding a soundtrack?

    0:08 - I like the composition of this shot; it's very well framed.

    0:17 - Again, an interesting angle. The music is reasonably well balanced, although as mentioned, the background audio is something of an imposition (particularly the wind). Is Barry supposed to be acknowledging the guy who enters in the next shot?

    0:27 - Good ELS here. Again, the composition is well considered

    0:30 - I like the OtS you've used here; the movement works and contrasts well with your tripod mounted shots. The wind is still irritating. I think you're holding some of the shots a little longer than I would advise.

    0:35 - A rather good POV here; you've got the angle right and again the framing is good - I like the trees and the sky. A shame this shot is so shakey; I think you might have benefitted from this one being on the tripod.

    0:43 - The shot of the fist is good, although held too long - I think this would have benefitted from being a quick edit.

    0:46 - The jump from BCU to ELS is effective, and I like the way you've shot the action here. The editing is impressive (although as I've said, would benefit from the shots being shorter).

    0:57 - The cut here would be better if you lost the short .5s bit where they are out of shot. Better to cut to them as they enter. The pan is good - often difficult to get these as smooth. I think you would have been better to jump to the CU of the kicking after the first kick in the ELS. A shame that the kicking is a little shakey

    1:18 - I like that you've cut to an LS (again, very well-framed) - the action here is well shot

    1:23 - The shift to the different music is jarring - would be better with a cross-fade (or a fade in?)

    1:25 - I like this shot of the lights, although if it's a POV, I would expect Reece to be looking into the camera.

    1:35 - Good BCU, and some good editing with a range of shots being used

    1:44 - I rather like this shot - quite edgy - would be nice if it was dollied through 180, although you've kind of replicated this. Not so keen on the cut to the LA at 1:56; you would expect to go to a CU or LS/ ELS, since this shot is very similar to the final shot of the 180

    2:00 - Not so sure about this HA - are you trying to make Reece seem the weaker character? This seems to be a slightly forced shot. Impressed with the audio here - you've got the balance between dialogue and music well done.

    2:18 - Could do with editing to Barry's dialogue slightly more quickly, since you lose the rhythm slightly. Similarly the next edit.

    2:29 - The angle here is slightly odd, although it works reasonably well. Some of the later shots are held too long

    2:34 - There is a slight continuity error here - Reece was bending down at a lower angle than he is at the start of this shot. The beating is held too long in LS; would be better to cut to some CUs in order to create the dynamic of the action. This final shot is perhaps the weakest of the piece, since the focus is somewhat lost

    In summary:
    This is an impressive first effort. There are some really inventive shots (an excellent range, vital for success in your final piece) and some excellent editing. Sound balance is generally good and continuity is reasonable. As mentioned, there are some flaws, which would be ironed out with a little more planning and some more focus during the editing. Marked at the standard of a final piece, this would be L3 (C-grade), which is really good for a first piece - it's probably one of the best "Prisoners" I've seen.
