Sunday 8 January 2012

Time Schedule

Week 1 - Ensure that all pre-planning is complete e.g. gathering props and finalising storyboard and script. Gather props and find a female actor.

Week 2 - Decide upon colour / tonal use of flash backs and present time - prophase run a test. Create a study logo and running clip for pre editing. Book camera and schedule meeting days and begin to bring all equitment needed for interrogation shoot e.g. torches and lamp. 
Ensure camera is charged and memory card is inserted.

Week 3 - Begin shooting interrogation scene, idealy having at least half of the squence shots done before the end of the week.

Week 4 - Finish shooting interrogation scene, begin house scene and finish up to tunnel set.

Week 5 - Start shooting tunnel scene of Ryan and Sophie, finish. Start shooting attack scene in tunnel and finish.

Week 6 - Hand back camera for media file conversion. Begin to record voice overs  Bring laptop for voice recording.

Week 7 - Create title opening sequence as follows - Insitute (WarnerBros.), studio (DynamiteKittystudios) and finally opening credits / opening squence of film / title. Have opening titles finished and title.
Bring laptop for Adobe After Effects use.

Week 8 - Begin to edit video footage only. (possible rough cut for blog)
Bring laptop

Week 9 - Aim to rough finish video footage without effects or sound. (possible rough cut for blog)
Bring laptop

Week 10 - Begin to add sound e.g. music, incidental themes and voice overs and produce a rough cut.
Bring laptop

Week 11 - Fix any errors in current rough cut. (possible rough cut for blog)
Bring laptop

Week 12 - Begin to add lighting effects such as brightened, serial colour and sepia tone - finish film opening squence.
Bring laptop

Week 13 - Finish editing by joining credits, film and title effectively.
Bring laptop

1 comment:

  1. You will need to make sure that your footage is available for conversion by 30th January in order to keep within the overall deadline process.
