Wednesday 12 October 2011

Scene 2 shooting finished!

finished the shoot for our project today, i think it went well, hopefully we will be able to edit it exactly how we want it. Instead of the shed which was originally planned as the setting we instead chose the back of the stage within our school, it is very dark and reasonably claustrophobic, the only things that should be seen are the the two people sitting on chairs and talking with a small desk separating the two, annoyingly it might be possible that the audience can hear a very loud class in the background but hopefully we will be able to edit this out later. After filming, Katie thought it would be a good idea to make a 'making of' video which can be played after our real project, we don't think we will have time to edit this video as well as the actual video which is why we completed the 'making of' video in just one take. We done this because we finished filming much earlier than we originally planned and we thought it would be more fun and we might be able to scrape a few extra marks out of it. Overall I am looking forward to the editing stage of our project, I really hope it goes well for us because it's been very fun and I have enjoyed it much more than I thought I ever would.

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