Monday 10 October 2011

Starting a new project soon, we have to follow a script Mr. Earl gave us, I'm thinking of modifying the script slightly. Initially the script was supposed to show a lone figure walking across a landscape which then jumps to the same figure intimedating a man to gain some information in a darkened room. Instead i intend to change the script so that one of the men is laying beside a tree who then gets dragged to the darkened room by the same man who intimediates him for information, the location I think the landscape should be at this point is a large field on Canterbury Road where very few trees are which will make the lone figure stand out more. I also think the darkened room should take place in my shed in my back garden of my house, the reason for this is because it is reasonably small which could make a much more claustrophobic atmosphere and matches the criteria from the script exactly apart from the button which originally is used to open the door. I think the dialogue should stay roughly the same as in the original script although I may change certain aspects to make it suit the story I think is being told. I feel Barry should be the kind of 'good guy' persona and I should be the more 'bad guy' persona as we have both asked people around us and the majority feel as though I naturally look like "a person who is in the shadows" according to Richard Flower, not one of my best compliments but i have to say one of my favourite ones I've ever heard. Thats if it was a compliment.

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