Tuesday 20 September 2011


My name is Reece Wilkins. I have recently worked with Katie Boal and Barry Stubbs in my media lessons to create an introduction video to a few basic camera shots, this meant we shot short clips of one another in different positions I.E close up, long shot, extreme close up etc. We then had to take our results back to our classroom and edit the videos together so that the shots would appear with a title which showed the name of the shot. I took on the role as organiser which meant I made sure all shots were completed in a specific order, as each of us took turns being the camerman it meant all of us were in the shots overall. Katie took on the role of the editor afterwards with me and Barry both helping her organise which shots were in which files, she would then place the title into each shot and render it to make sure we completed the task as asked. Barry helped along the way; however he was not in our group at the beginning and only joined at the editing stage but he still offered his help with me and Katie when it was nessecary. Overall i think we completed the task to a very good standard as it was completed before the deadline which means every member in my group had time to create this blog early.

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