Sunday, 8 January 2012

Call Sheet and Shot Sheet

Shot Sheet

Call Sheet

As part of our pre-production we have made a call sheet and shot sheet in order to ensure we keep notes on individual parts of our sequence in order to organize the sequence more effectively as well as counter-act any confusion which may occur. As you can see each box is currently blank, this is because on the day of shooting (or organizing for the shoot) we will print out several of these and then fill them in as a group to ensure everything is organized. In terms of organization this is a great tool to use in order to ensure there are no missing shots and also to keep continuity as accurate as possible, continuity will be difficult to ensure properly in our sequence as there are frequent shots of bodies laying on the floor in different angles which may cause continuity in terms of body position, to combat this it will be good for some of us to take ether a camera or a camera phone to take pictures so that we can ensure continuity of body positions as well as clothing etc.  The difference between the two sheets is simple, the shot sheet logs which shots have been taken as well as any issues revolving the shot or what is necessary within the shot whilst the call sheet will be useful to organize time arrangements and necessary equipment for the day of the shoot. The first image shown is our shot sheet therefore the second image is the call sheet.

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